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How to find out your ring size?

We love to make hand stamped and hand carved rings. It is a great way to commemorate a special event, date or trip. It's also a great way to keep your loved ones with you always. Melissa does all of the stamping on our sterling silver rings and Nate does the carving into our solid gold and silver rings. Our most popular ring is the hand carved, “my tiny” ring. We like to nickname it the "secret message" ring because the delicate design carved into the small band is only read and understood by seeing it close up. From a distance it just looks like a pretty design, so it's perfect for special personalized messages. Once these rings are carved into they cannot be resized so it is important to get the sizing right when you order.

We recommend going to a local jeweler or any jewelry store to get a free sizing done. If you don't have access or time to get this done, there are ways to measure at home. You can order a plastic ring sizer from our website. They are durable and reusable and great to have on hand for future orders. 

If you don't have time to order that tool you can also use our printable paper ring sizer to help you find your size. Once you print this off, use a ruler or tape measurer to make sure that the paper has printed true to size by comparing it to the ruler on the side of the paper. 

Then cut out the paper sliding guide and measure your finger with it, making sure that it slips over your knuckle. You can also use a ring that you already wear and measure what size it is on the circles below. 

If you would like to see this paper ring sizer being used, check out our ring sizer highlight on our instagram page @lissaandnate 

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